Azoren 20mg/5mg is the drug used to reduce high blood pressure. It contains Olmesartan and Amlodipine which are drugs used to reduce high blood pressure. Azoren 20mg/5mg is usually used for reducing high blood pressure but also can be used for other functions as well such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, stable and chronic angina, vasospastic angina, stroke, and myocardial infarction. This list may not be complete and perhaps there are other uses for Azoren 20mg/5mg. Do not consume this medication although others with the similar symptoms are taking it. Please get a doctor’s advice before taking this medication. Besides these functions and uses of Azoren 20mg/5mg, there are certain side effects that are related to this medication such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, sore throat, joint pain, indigestion, raise in the level of uric acid in the blood, raise in the level of triglyceride in the blood. Although some of these symptoms usually happen, there are a few symptoms that rarely happen. If you experience any of these symptoms (either mentioned or not), please talk a doctor immediately. You also have to refer to a doctor if you experience blurring of vision or skin rashes. The above list may be incomplete and please also mention if you experience other symptoms than mentioned above. These symptoms might be revealed when one uses the medication for a long period of time. Azoren 20mg/5mg are made of Olmesartan Medoxomil - 20Mg, and Amlodipine - 5Mg. The effects of Azoren 20mg/5mg depends on the purpose of usage and the dose of the medication taken. If the symptoms does not subside, please talk to a doctor immediately to find another alternative solution. You are advised to take the medicine during meals or after meals. This medication is suppose to be taken only according to the dosage given by the doctor. Please check the expiry date on the medication before usage. Swallow the pill and do not chew. Consume according to the dosage suggested by the doctor. The ingredients in this drug helps to reduce high blood pressure. Patients that have kidney problems or liver problems should refer to a doctor before taking Azoren 20mg/5mg. Dosage taken should be according to doctor’s advice. Make sure the dosage given is appropriate for the period of time the medicine is taken. The time for the drug to show its effects depends on the cause of taking the medication as well as the dosage consumed. If there is no reduction in symptoms within 30 minutes to one hour of consumption, please talk to a doctor to find alternative solution. Always finish your Azoren 20mg/5mg as given by the doctor and do not stop taking it although you feel healthy. Do not consume this medication upon listening to family members or friends and also do not pass this medicine on to other people just because they have the similar symptom. Always be aware of the expiry date that is stated on the medication packet. Keep Azoren 20mg/5mg at room temperature and avoid exposure to sunlight. Azoren 20mg/5mg does not cure diseases but it just help relieve symptoms for the time being. Ladies, please talk to a doctor if you have period, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain, etc so that the doctor can advise when or how to take the medication. Stop Azoren 20mg/5mg or tell your doctor if you experience rashes or any other side effects. Before taking Azoren 20mg/5mg, please get a doctor’s advice especially if you have any of the following disease.