Coversyl is used to treat cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, stable coronary artery disease, and risk reduction in heart enlargement. It contains Perindopril arginine which inhibits the production of chemical Angiotensin II that is causing raise in blood pressure. Coversyl is commonly used to treat high blood pressure. It also has different indications such as hypertension, heart failure, coronary artery disease, risk reduction in heart englargement, and risk reduction in myocardial infarction. This list is incomplete and there might be other uses and indications of Coversyl. Do not take this medication even though someone you know with same symptoms is taking it. Please refer to your doctor before starting this medication. Besides the uses, people who are taking Coversyl may also develop certain side effects, such as headache,dizziness, numbness, vertigo, visual disturbance,shortness of breath, tinnitus, abdominal pain, digestive problems, hypotension, pruritus, and muscle cramps. Some of these symptoms are more common than the others. If you are developing any of the stated side effects (whether listed or not), please talk to a doctor as soon as possible. You also need to refer to a doctor if some symptoms such as skin rash or blurred vision occur. This list may not be complete, therefore do inform if you are experiencing other symptoms. These symptoms become more visible with longer duration of intake.Coversyl contains active ingredient Perindopril arginine (5 mg) which blocks the production of chemical Angiotensin II that is causes raise in blood pressure. The desired effect of Coversyl depends on its indication and dosage taken. If your symptom is not reduced after taking this medication, please talk to a doctor for another solution.ou are advised to take this medication before or after meal. This medication should only be taken following the dosage that has been decided by doctor.Coversyl is available at the nearest pharmacy. It may come with different generics. Generally, this medication is considered as affordable, comes in 10 pils’ package, and can be consumed following the prescription given by doctor.Please check the expiry date before taking Coversyl. It is produced by Servier Company. Those with renal problems and liver diseases should refer to doctors before taking Coversyl. Follow the advices given by doctor when taking this medication. Make sure a sufficient duration of time is given by doctor for you to finish this medication. The desired effects from taking this medication may take some time in different illnesses with different dosage. If there is no reduction of symptoms in between 30 minutes to 1 hour after consumption, consult a doctor for different solutions. Do not take this medication following advices by non-health care members, such as families or friends. Do not give this medication to others with the same symptoms. They might be experiencing different illness other than yours. Always check the expiry date before starting the medication. Keep Coversyl under room temperature and avoid exposing it to heat or sunlight. Coversyl only helps in reducing the symptoms of an illness and does not cure it. Stop taking Coversyl and talk to your doctor if symptoms such as skin rashes or others develop. Coversyl has several side effects. Make sure you have read and understood them before making a decision to consume it.